List of Fake University in Delhi

University Grant Commission is the central authority in India which has authority of giving affiliations to the entire private and Government University, and also has the right to take back the same. Every university has to meet certain guidelines that are setup by the UGC, failing which leads to cancellation or no permit to run the university. UGC for quite sometime have seen that many universities start taking students well before the affiliation process is finished and many are not affiliated to UGC. To protect the interest of the students, UGC have declared the list of fake universities for all the states. 

Below are the names of Universities that are fake and are operating in Delhi.

  1. Commercial University Ltd., Daryaganj, Delhi.
  2. United Nations University, Delhi.
  3. Vocational University, Delhi.
  4. ADR-Centric Juridical University, ADR House, 8J, Gopala Tower, 25 Rajendra Place, New Delhi - 110008.
  5. Indian Institute of Science and Engineering, New Delhi.

Fake University List by UGC (pdf)

   List of Fake University in India Attahas Shakti Peeth  
