We are all aware about what is the legal status and validity of the PAN card number issued and assigned by the Central Board Of Direct Taxes, Income tax Authority Of India under the applicability of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. Every individual, is being allotted with this unique combination of alpha-numeric constraints, for the assessment and submission of income tax and also need to declare with every financial transactions, that are worth of high net monetary worth within the jurisdictions of the Indian international border, thus acting as an watch dog for the Central Government keeping track of the the money transfer, thus eradicating tax erosion, with fake invoices.
The Allotted PAN code is a permanent and unique sequence which is issued randomly by the Tax authority or vis-à-vis the Government of India to every Indian. They somewhat resemble the same status as that of SSN, i.e. Social Security Number authorized by the IRS to the American Citizens. We by now are quite aware the importance and applicability of PAN, especially when we need to operate any bank account with money worth fifty thousand or more. So NRIs’ have the misconception that they don’t need a PAN allotment, but as per the rules and regulations prevailing, they too require applying for PAN.
The Permanent Account Number abbreviated as PAN, contains the following features as source for your PAN Card verification support:
The PAN structure is of alphanumeric code in the sequence of – BBBBB7777C
- First 5 alphabets.
- Next 4 of the code are numerical.
- The last constraints if the code is an alphabet again.
- The PAN codes are uniquely differentiable sequence for every allotment.
- If the above sequence is altered then the PAN has fake identity or would be invalid.
- The fourth character of the PAN sequence depends on the following status of the applicant:
Company is denoted by ‘C’.
Person is denoted by ‘P’.
HUF is denoted by ‘H’.
Firm is denoted by ‘F’.
AOP is denoted by ‘A’.
Trust is denoted by ‘T’.
Body of Association (BOI) is denoted by ‘B’.
Local authority is denoted by ‘L’.
Artificial Juridical Person is denoted by ‘J’.
Government is denoted by ‘G’.
- The fifth constraints of the series is the first alphabet:
It may be of the surname or the name only in case the name is only given at the time of application. ‘P’ is reflected in case the PAN Card is Personal one Or the name of the corporate entity as the codes enlisted above.
- Nowadays the Central Government with a notification has made an arrangement to print the date of issue of the Card at the right hand corner itself for PAN Card verification support.
The central Government has brought in the facility for PAN Card verification and validation of new PAN or the existing one through an online service known as ‘Know Your PAN’.
Information at a Glance
- You can use official pan card verification website to know your PAN card number. Here you can do your pan card verification by entering first name, middle name, last name and date of birth.
- If you want to do pan card verification through UTI ITSL website then visit this website. You can apply online for new pan card or correction in existing pan card details. You can also track your pan card easily.
Website - https://www.trackpan.utiitsl.com/PANONLINE/
- We have not seen any option to check your pan card details along with Photo. You can only get Pan card number. So, pan card verification with photo is not possible. It might be done to protect the privacy of the Pan card holder.

The PAN is quite a useful document verifying the possessor’s identity. For security issues, they are generally vaulted at home, but situations might arise when you need to have your PAN quoted, so you are in a dilemma and get confused with the sequence. Well in that that case, there is a simple solution to get your PAN Card verified through online support. There you need to fill in the necessary fields and you have a screen reflecting your PAN Card details. Actually the data that you need to provide in is for the sake of security and identification.
The data that you need to provide are quite the ones that you remember, and are related to you like, your name or your date of birth, but make sure that you provide the same details you have filled in at the time of application. There is a requirement that you are needed to enter the same sequence as you have applied using, otherwise they won’t match with the database of the Tax Authority and thus you won’t be provided with the PAN Card details as the data won’t generate and that would decline to verify your identity. It is always advisable to get the number saved somewhere secured and close the browser for security validation.