Cold vs Flu - Difference Between Flu and Cold

The difference between flu and cold

There are various diseases among which a few are really difficult to understand also as they have similar symptoms but still have a minor differences. Cold and Flu are the most common disease people get easily affected by. Many times when one visits the doctor thinking that he/she is suffering from cold the doctor describes the disease to be the flu. These confusions among the patients need to be solved and hence one has to understand them in depth.

How does a cold differ from a flu?

Common cold and flu, both are respiratory illness. It is pretty much difficult to differentiate both these illnesses by common people. How can a doctor tell one what he/she is suffering from common cold or flu? Generally, doctors firstly ask the patient to describe the symptoms or in a layman language we can say feeling. In case of flu a person suffers from lousiness, headache, sneezing, body ache and cough. Common cold is not as much tiresome as flu because if a person is suffering from this disease, he/she gets a burning sensation in the nostrils and throat which is really a painful situation.

Which age group is mainly affected by cold and flu?

Common cold, mainly affects children's health while flu affects adults due to the stressful work situation. Well, what mentioned previously doesn’t mean that a child cannot be affected by the flu or an adult can never suffer from the common cold. It can be said that the common cold is the prior symptom of flu. While a person is suffering from common cold and if he/she doesn’t take care it can result into flu. If the flu is not treated in its initial phase, then it can result in pneumonia. If a person gets affected by pneumonia, he/she should be hospitalized as soon as possible.

How to get treated from common cold and flu?

The common cold can be contagious in first three days after getting affected. The common cold can be treated by taking steam or applying some ointment on nostrils, forehead and chest. If a person still doesn’t get treated, then he/she should consult a doctor. Flu needs immediate medical attention and necessary antibiotics should be taken. 

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