International Customs Day

Country: International

International Customs day is one of the days when the custom of the world celebrates the success of business. It is believed that the customs of a country play a vital role in increasing the business of a country and hence customs of any country role is an important part of any country. 26th January is marked as the international customs day. This day in the year 1952 saw the first meet of the world custom council. It is a council that has in total 177 members working for the betterment of the customs across the world. On this day this custom council met for its first official meeting.

The council is made up of the 177 administrations from across the world and the aim of this World Custom Organisation to find better idea to administer the customs of the world. This organisation is the only intergovernmental organisation working solely on the matters of the world. It was made on 26th January in the year 1952. This autonomous organisation was built solely for getting better ideas and ways to work on the administration of the customs. The reason behind the celebration of this day is that the customs single headedly helps in increasing the business all across the world. The national security is one of the biggest threats to the rising business across the world but these custom admins are well trained to understand the current business.

This day is celebrated every year since 1953. On this day the council takes several steps in order to establish a good connection between the rising business firms. One of the most vital tasks of the people of this organisation is to ensure that there exist no frauds in the name of business. They try and take care of the increasing threats to the security of the country. It was on this day when the secretary of the organisation made sure to provide training and help the people across the world custom organisations to train the custom officers well. It is the result of this that the Zimbabwe union of custom have worked on well and provided one of the best results in this field.

This day every year is celebrated with a new theme. This theme is basically decided in order to make sure that every year the administrators get to learn different things on this day. In the year 2010 the theme for the day was Custom and Business growth while once the theme was based on Knowledge as the catalyst for custom excellence. This day is celebrated all across the world in all the custom organisations and is a day dedicated fully to the people working in the customs.
