Labour Day

Country: India
Upcoming Labour Day is on 01 May 2025 (Thursday)

Days Remaining in Labour Day 2025

May Day is the first day of the month of May and is celebrated in India and also in over 80 other countries to commemorate the international workers day. International workers day or May Day is celebration which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labour movement and left-wing movements of US labour movement in the 19th century.

May Day History

Its history dates back to May 1st in 1886. Activists of the International Working People's Association (IWPA) led the struggle for the workday of eight-hours. Forty-thousand workers went on strike for the eight-hour a day work in Chicago. Following this event there was carnage in Haymarket Square in Chicago on May 4th. A bomb exploded on third day killing many people and injuring several police officers and demonstrators. In 1889 in commemoration of the Haymarket Massacre, International Workers' Day was first initiated by the Second International, an organization of socialist and labour parties.

Even though the strike did not see immediate results this movement got widely recognised in the world where May 1st stated to become an important day to protest for workers right. Though US did not adopt May 1st as public holiday this day is recognised in over 80 countries in the world. In US it is celebrated on first Monday of September.

May Day Date: When is Labour Day?

In India May Day is celebrated as Labour Day. May Day was first celebrated in Chennai on May 1, 1923. This was also the first time the red flag was used in India. It was organised in Madras by the Labour Kisan Party leader Singaravelu Chettiar who made arrangements to celebrate May Day in two places in 1923. One meeting was held at the beach opposite to the Madras High Court and the other meeting was held at the Triplicane beach.

In states of Maharashtra and Gujarat this day is celebrated as Maharashtra day and Gujarat day respectively because it was on this day that each state attained state hood in the year 1960.

How is May Day Celebrated?

This day celebrates the social and economic achievements of the workers. It is a mark of commemoration of the labour union movement for worker's rights and as a tribute to working people. It is day to celebrate the most notable accomplishments of the labour union movement like the eight hour work day, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest, minimum wage and decent working conditions. On this day demonstrations and street marches are held in many countries by workers and their trade unions. Various contests are held for children on this day. In India May Day is observed by various government organisations in the organised and unorganised sectors. Overall it is day to honour the true spirit of the working class.

Labour Day in Upcoming Year

When is Labour Day 2025
