National Science Day

Country: India

Science is one of the biggest mysteries of the world. Every mystery can be solved with the help of science laws and logics. To progress in the world one needs nothing but a good knowledge of science. A country evolves because of the scientists who find new ways and prove new laws. India celebrates its National Science Day in order to pay respect to the famous invention from the scientist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. This famous Indian Physicist discovered the law of scattering lights when passed over different particles. This discovery was known to the world as the Raman Effect. To honour this discovery every year on 28th February the country celebrates its National Science Day.

On 28th of February 1928 the famous Indian Physicist made a great discovery in the field of science. It was the first one made by any Indian in this field and the discovery was known as the Raman Effect.  Sir C.V.Raman was a Tamilian Brahmin and the first from his country to discover something at this level. Later the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) requested the Indian Government to designate the day as the National Science Day. Since then to respect the invention made by Raman the

From that day every year this day is celebrated as the National Science Day across the Nation. The country’s students, teachers, researchers and everyone connected to the subject celebrate this day and pay their respect to the great Physicist that India has seen. On this day every school, university, college and research organisation celebrate the day with a special theme. To make this day more special for the people working for the progress of science in the country the NCSTC declared the National Science Popularization award in order to recognize the excellence in the field of science made by others. This award is given to every researcher or a person who has contributed in the field of science. For every scientist present in India it is one of the most prestigious awards to achieve.

On this day the various institution of the country celebrate it by organising a science exhibition every year. Every year the exhibition has a special theme and students of the school illustrate their science projects on this day. Every year the students produce some great science projects that can be used in the future. Some schools try to make some special projects that explain all the laws and theorems of Science practically on this day. The researchers take this day as an opportunity to bring out their researches and explain them to the world. On this day special movies based on science is telecasted in order to spread more about science. Special events are organised where a person is allowed to watch the stars in the sky using the telescopes available in different organisations. On this day the government makes sure that the awareness is spread the most among the countrymen about science.

National Science Day Theme

This Year, National Science Day Theme 2022 is Integrated Approach in S&T for Sustainable Future.

Last Year, National Science Day theme for 2021 is "Future of STI: Impacts on Education, Skills and Work"

National Science Day theme for 2020 was "Women in Science"
