The district of Faridkot is one of the extremely important districts of the state of Punjab. The district was a feudalist province when the land of India was under the rule of the British Forces for over 200 years. The district was later added to the Republic of India during the division of lands between the two nations. The districts of Mikhtasar and Moga have been built on the lands taken from the lands of Faridkot. Just like most of the other regions of the state of Punjab, the district of Faridkot also played a very significant and important part in the fight for the independence of India. The district of Faridkot covers a land area of approximately around about 1469 sq km with a population of about 6.1 lacs individuals. The density of population of the district of Faridkot is approximately about 424 people per sq km. The district is known for the largest markets of raw cotton in India.