The Urban District of Bangalore was created in the year of 1986 when the former district of Bangalore was dissolved and split into two separate districts: The Bangalore Urban District and the Bangalore Rural District. The district of Urban Bangalore is bordered by the rural district of Bangalore in three sides and the state of Tamil Nadu on another side. The district of Bangalore can divided into 4 Talukas, 17 hoblies and 9 municipal corporations. The district is the most advanced and urbanised district of the state of Karnataka. The district has its main centre of administration in the city of Bangalore itself. The district of Bangalore covers a land area of 2190 sq km with a population of about 95.8 lacs. The density of population of the region is around 4378 people per sq km with the growth of population near about 50%. The district is highly industrialised with the city of Bangalore being called the ‘Electronic City of India’.