The birth of Jamui district was in the year 1991 when the land was split from Munger district. The district of Jamui was also known as Jambhiyaagram in the ancient times. According to the legends circulating around Lord Mahavira, it is said that the lord reached the divine wisdom at the banks of a River named Ujjihuvaliya. Thus the district finds special link with Hinduism and Jainism. There are many sacred places of interest for both the religions in the district. The district of Jamui covers a land area of 3098 sq km with a population of 17 lacs individuals approximately. The district of Jamui is neither well developed agriculturally nor is developed industrially. The district is in the list of 250 most retarded districts of the Republic of India. The district is currently running with the aid of the funds provided by Backward Regions Grant Fund Program initiated by the Indian Government.